Friday, February 13, 2009

Purple Days (update)

Feb. 13, 2009

So today was Friday the 13th. Everyone was talking about trikadecaphobia or something. trikadecaphobia is when your scared of the number 13. But i wasn't talking about the 13th, i was talking about Marley. Marley is a piece of papar with a rat on it. The rat is Marley. I made him yesterday and gave him to my teacher. the next day I found out that the cleaning ladies had taken him.

Well, you know, i kinda needed to blame it on somebody. Well I couldn't blame it on the cleaning lady, it was her job, you see? So I blamed it on Giramma. Yesterday Giramma had stolen Marley. So naturally i blamed it on him and his little cronies too. 

Well he didn't have any cronies so I picked a few out myself. The first person I picked was Zucco. I think I went overboard with that one. I just kept yelling, "I'm still mad about Marley!" My next victim was Ms. Caragher. I was kinda hyper by that time. and I kept yelling, "Vengeance will be mine, oh poor Marley, you evil dirty rotten scum, I will get you all, Giramma and his little cronies too! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!!!" I kinda sounded like the wicked witch of the west.

Some people thought I might have problems. But i just said I was hyper and they left me alone. I really could have used a bonk in the head. But no blows came. Caragher just turned the sound on her ipod all the way up. then when I was just sitting in the snow next to Caragher one of my classmates mom came up and gave us candy. It was for valentines day. We aren't aloud to celebrate valentine's day. Well then I calmed down and that was the end of that.


  1. ok, why did you draft me? And you didn't really draft me, you just screamed "I will avenge the death of Marley!" like a psycho maniac for a few hours.

  2. Well, we all have a psycho maniac deep down inside us somewhere
